Creating a syllabus and learning materials for the online course
Implementation period: 1.11.2020-31.10.2022
Lead partner : P02. UH
Participating Organisations:
Applicant UTH; P01 CIHEAM-IAMM ; P03. UNWE; P04. USAMV Cluj ; P05. ATU (GMIT); P06. UO
The syllabus of the e-course that includes learning outcomes for the course and the modules, recommended target groups, credits, programme, guidelines for the delivery, time involvement, and evaluation strategy. The study materials include fully transcribed online presentations, self-evaluation tools, cases, task guidelines and additional resources. The course uses regional cases from eight countries as the key study material. There is accompanied guide on how to create such cases, mobilising a diversity of stakeholders across, available on EPALE (IO3). Also recorded thematic presentation for the modules and instructions of working with the platform are available on the YouTune channel.
The supporting documents, materials etc prepared following:
- The course guide, 29 p.
- Thematic recorded presentations (either as a video or PowerPoint slides with audio, all subtitled) – 13
- Instruction slides to each module – 6 sets
- Recorded instructions to the planform – 2
- Recorded guide to why and how to provide peer-feedback – 1
- Regional cases as the key study material (each in four parts) – 8
- Link to additional relevant material – 10
The e-course with all its material is a unique entity created specifically around sustainable development of peripheral rural areas. To our knowledge, no such course is provided in the higher institutions. It is highly multidisciplinary, organized around a generic participatory innovation process and is based on applying the theory to a regional case. The e-course is to a large extent self-taught and can be delivered asynchronously, as well as with options of guidance from teachers to varied degree, and as synchronous intercreative learning across several regions (countries). It can be adapted to any relevant case outside of the countries participating in the project.