Trasnational Project Meetings

Trasnational Project Meeting 1

  The first transnational project meeting (TPM) of the consortium took place in three levels, due to pandemic restrictions:

  • Burren Winterage School (23-10-2020), organized by project partner ATU (GMIT) (IR)

  Serafeim K Felekis (UTH, GR) and Dr. Ionel –Mugurel Jitea (USAMV, RO) presented, firstly, the project scope and aims and secondly the «Builiding Capacity for sustainable development in peripheral rural areas». It was presented in group of representatives by each partner and the Burren Winterage School’s participants. In the discussion, which followed, answers were given regarding the skills and competencies that graduates should have when working in peripheral rural areas, enriching in that way the outcomes of Intellectual Output 1 (IO1).

  • Kick Off Meeting (6-11-2020) web- meeting organized by University of Thessaly (GR)

The managerial procedures of the project were presented; the consortium members familiarized themselves with the forms, tools and procedures concerning administrative and financial issues and the project’s internal rules. Finally, the timetable was finalized and issued among project partners.

  • IO1 Web- Workshop (28-01-2021), organized by University of Helsinki (FI) and ATU (GMIT) (IR) in “Building teaching and learning capabilities on distance education”

The web-workshop’s objectives aimed to:

  • To enhance teaching and learning capabilities in relation to modern educational approaches and techniques
  • To plan an e-learning course within RUR’UP project

Trasnational Project Meeting 2

Objective: to monitor the project progress, validate IO1 and review the key IOs (2-5).

Organisation by University of Thessaly (digital)

Date:  July 2021

Trasnational Project Meeting 3

Objective: to gather all partner’s and associated representatives to monitor the project and refine strategies for setting up the last stage of the project.

Place and date: Montpellier, France at 1-3/2/2022

Organisation by P01-CIHEAM-IAMM (face-to-face)

Trasnational Project Meeting 4

Objective: a) to sum-up over the implementation process and above all to evaluate, to what extent the results addressed the gaps identified in the beginning (IO6) and b) to define the partnership post-project plans

Place and date: Pindos-Thessaly, Greece at July 2022

Organisation by University of Thessaly (face-to-face)